Facility hire costs at Arkenfield stables


Our excellent and well maintained facilities are open to everyone and include...

  • An Indoor Floodlit Arena with Dressage Mirrors and Viewing Gallery
  • An All weather 70 x 40 outdoor arena with full set of show jumps or arena eventing fences by arrangement
  • Cross country schooling on grass

Please be aware that all horses visiting our premises must be covered by a full programme of vaccinations and will be asked to produce a certificate when attending.

Please book all arena and cross country facilities directly with me using the link below and ensure that payment is paid in advance using the following account details (using reference : your name+date of hire) - Arkenfield Stables account - Sort Code 60-02-41  - Account No 69079110

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Cost To Hire Our Facilities for Individuals...

Indoor Arena Hire…

For 1 Horse & Rider - £25 per hour + £5 per additional horse.

Outdoor Arena Hire (60 x 40)...

For 1 Horse & Rider - £25 per hour + £5 per additional horse.

Cross Country Course...

For Each Horse & Rider - £15 per hour

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Cost To Hire Our Facilities for Visiting Instructors, Riding Clubs & Pony Clubs...

Visiting Instructors' School Hire for Liveries only...

For 1 Horse & Rider - £12 per hour

For 2 Horses & Riders - £17 per hour

For 3 Horses & Riders - £23 per hour

For 4 Horses & Riders - £28 per hou

For a Day Hire Rate for outside Instructors, Riding Clubs & Pony Clubs please click the button below to talk through your requirements with me.